My favorite scene in Do the Right Thing is at the very end when Mookie and Sal were having a heated argument over Mookie getting paid and what he is going to do with his life. I thought there was an especially cool shoot when it was showing Mookie on one side and Sal on the other directly in front of the burnt down pizza place. It made us choose which side we were on in the situation. It also made us the viewers upset because we realize that they wont have peace it the struggle between races will always be there.
When i saw the shot with Mookie and Sal in front of the disaster i could not choose who to side with, i think this is what Lee wants us to feel. He wants the viewers to see that both sides can be wrong. It is not at the fault of anyone that people get let down. Someone that i do view in this film that i could picture standing right in the middle on that shoot is the Love doctor. I feel like throughout the film he never took sides and he was trying to stop the hate and add love to the lives of the people he was watching out his radio station window. I think he is a perfect example of how everyone should be. Race, background, religion, interests. none of these things should matter when trying to live and work as one community. I feel that it was smart for Sal to walk away like he did and hopefully he put some words in Mookie's mind that shows him that he needs to start being the bigger person. Overall good movie and i liked how it made me love and hate both sides and made me think about how i handle things myself.