I don't really know what to say about this whole unit. Lets just say Robert Altman was a very creative person. Creative does not mean good and it also does not mean bad, just different. This creativity comes out in Nashville the most but we see it in both The Long Goodbye and The Player with the not so normal story lines and surprise endings. The most creative aspect that i liked was in The Long Goodbye, I enjoyed the ending so much. It was so different and thrill seeking than anyother old story line that we see in the movies now days. The way it twisted and no one say it coming is the creativity that im talking about with Altman, the other time he pulled a move like this that i enjoyed was in The Player, at the end when normaly everything turns out to be just dandy and everyone is happy we end with Griffin being a jerk who only seems to care about himself. These small yet different things are what lead me to enjoy the Altman unit.